Saturday, 29 December 2012

My take on the existence of Zombies

Hello people, its been a while, like the longest while ever. This pilgrim had to go on a journey and this is turning out to be a very exciting journey!!!

Zombies are very interesting, don't you agree? The ability to move without life in its flesh and bones can sometimes be so fascinating to imagine. Imagine meeting a zombie, (i'm sure kambas don't have to stretch their imagination so much in this case), what would be your reaction and if you get a chance to say hi, what would be the manner of your interaction. Luckily or unluckily, we do not have this priviledge in reality.

...or so I thought.  
Let me tell you a story. (pssst, zombies are real)

One day my very good friend asked me one of those questions men don't like to be asked if we don't have answers for them at the tip of our tongues. In fact, it was a good thing I was already done with my lunch otherwise it would have lost part of its taste. So she asked me,"what is your vision? What vision is this that your girlfriend is submitting to?" Well, I sort of had an idea but I didn't have the words at the tip of my tongue that day but it really gave me something to think about on the way home, for quite a while. Its one of those "epiphanies" that we always seek but come in such subtle ways. 

At this point, may I put a disclaimer, this post in no way attempts to address boy-girl relationships but give an answer to a question that has all the wrong answers. Neither I'm I a life-counsellor, just a pilgrim on an eternal journey.
So why vision? 

Proverbs 29:18 
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. (KJV)
Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law. (NIV)
Without revelation people run wild, but one who listens to instruction will be happy. (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
To understand vision, one can look at it from two perspectives, none greater than the other: a car on the road, or a boundary or fence. A car will take move you from one destination to another and a boundary will keep you within the limits of a certain jurisdiction within which only some rights and priviledges can be accorded. Anything that occurs outside this jurisdiction is not the responsibility of the jurisdiction. 

A person with vision, has the priviledge of being able to get from point A to point B, which are all certainties. What is the use of attempting to cover a distance which you aren't sure that exists in the first case anyway? A person with vision has a goal and a goal in this case need not necessarily be a personal self-centered goal. A vision bearer is not the owner of the vision but a custodian of the vision, and a custodian understands that the property in his possession does affect not only him, but a second party, third and so on. A vision has never been designed to be the property of one individual, otherwise, companies could only have CEO's as its employees and families with only the father in the house. This is the manner in which human beings have been designed, in order to be dependent on one another. Therefore, there is no vision too personal to the extent it only needs the vision bearer. 
This is in concordance with the fact the fact that vision is greater than a person. a vision that is smaller than the bearer is just an idea, nothing more.

A person with vision has direction in life, which is all too necessary in order to be able to move in our individual lives just as SIGHT is as important to our perception of the physical things in life. Vision determines PERCEPTION. For example, a person whose vision is to build a vain empire will look at money as the only necessary thing to build his vision and will therefore go to great extents to retain that money. However, on the other hand, a person whose vision is to help children will look at money as a tool for building schools and other things that children need. The object, money, is the same in both instances, but the way the two visionaries view that money is what makes money what it is to both of them.

A person with vision has a jurisdiction with boundaries. If a jurisdiction has no boundaries, then that is just open space. That is why outer space belongs to no one. A man with vision has a DOMAIN. Within this domain, is the only place in which the man has exclusive autonomous power. This is the place where a man is secure because it is his. It is like being in your own house. Inside your own house, there is a sense of security, whether false or true because we have an idea of it and what should be in it. A person with no idea of his vision will constantly live in fear and an aura of security will clothe his very being. A person without vision will end up trying anything and everything in order to cover up for that sense of insecurity ending up being a Jack of all trades, but a master of none. A busy body with no real fulfilment in life. And that is what a lot of men are today, because of lack of vision. In such instances, there is usually a struggle to create a false sense of security by accumulating wealth but it remains false because they just become squatters on a piece of land, having nowhere to call home (or my domain).

SIGHT AND DOMAIN. Most people do say that a person must have an identity but it takes more than identity to become someone in life, that is if you have first found your true identity in Christ. all other identities are fleeting identities. Identity is not linked to the things we do or the successes we achieve in our lives but a unique revelation of the person Christ created you to be in order to serve his purposes in time and eternity. Achievements, talents, successes, acknowledgements are all coats we wear at one time or another, depending on the occasion, but they can never be the skin that we can never remove. Simple test, take what you claim to be and imagine your life without it: lawyer, banker, singer, engineer, all that and imagine your life without it. If you felt hopeless, naked and afraid without it, chances are that that is your acquired identity and that it is a midescription of who you were really created to be. If you are able after undressing from all that and still being confident that the love of Christ has clothed you regardless of being "irrelevant" chances are that you have found your identity. However, back to my point, after having acquired an identity, so what???

And that is where my friends, vision comes in. Vision is the driving seat of our lives. It is one thing to know who you are, but another completely different thing to know what to do with yourself. Without vision, we cannot move, we stagnate or go in the wrong direction and eventually die. Contrary to many opinions, death is not when the pastor says ashes to ashes, dust to dust when burying people, but death is losing yourself. And zombies are real, just look at people all around you. Some are perishing in mansions in the elite communities of your town, some are perishing in the seat of the company C.E.O., some are zombies within the streets, zombies performing on stages in the name of musicians, students in class and we meet them on the road everyday and the worst zombies are found in nowhere else but in CHURCH. Some are moving towards their deaths at high speeds, others are already at the destination. Building graves in the name of 100 million shilling houses or travelling in 18 million shilling coffins like the nice coffin of the model Mercedes Benz or Range Rover Evoque. Visionless zombies is who we've become as a society. And our ladies continually chase these zombies in hope of finding life but alas, none at all exists.

I could go on and on about vision but today, i'll stop here. I'm hoping a zombie will read this and somehow ressurect from this death we call "lack of vision". 

At this point, i'll take the opportunity to claim all proceeds arising from my win of the bet. Please send me the money asap all you who betted against me :)

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