Saturday, 29 December 2012

My take on the existence of Zombies

Hello people, its been a while, like the longest while ever. This pilgrim had to go on a journey and this is turning out to be a very exciting journey!!!

Zombies are very interesting, don't you agree? The ability to move without life in its flesh and bones can sometimes be so fascinating to imagine. Imagine meeting a zombie, (i'm sure kambas don't have to stretch their imagination so much in this case), what would be your reaction and if you get a chance to say hi, what would be the manner of your interaction. Luckily or unluckily, we do not have this priviledge in reality.

...or so I thought.  
Let me tell you a story. (pssst, zombies are real)

One day my very good friend asked me one of those questions men don't like to be asked if we don't have answers for them at the tip of our tongues. In fact, it was a good thing I was already done with my lunch otherwise it would have lost part of its taste. So she asked me,"what is your vision? What vision is this that your girlfriend is submitting to?" Well, I sort of had an idea but I didn't have the words at the tip of my tongue that day but it really gave me something to think about on the way home, for quite a while. Its one of those "epiphanies" that we always seek but come in such subtle ways. 

At this point, may I put a disclaimer, this post in no way attempts to address boy-girl relationships but give an answer to a question that has all the wrong answers. Neither I'm I a life-counsellor, just a pilgrim on an eternal journey.
So why vision? 

Proverbs 29:18 
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. (KJV)
Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law. (NIV)
Without revelation people run wild, but one who listens to instruction will be happy. (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
To understand vision, one can look at it from two perspectives, none greater than the other: a car on the road, or a boundary or fence. A car will take move you from one destination to another and a boundary will keep you within the limits of a certain jurisdiction within which only some rights and priviledges can be accorded. Anything that occurs outside this jurisdiction is not the responsibility of the jurisdiction. 

A person with vision, has the priviledge of being able to get from point A to point B, which are all certainties. What is the use of attempting to cover a distance which you aren't sure that exists in the first case anyway? A person with vision has a goal and a goal in this case need not necessarily be a personal self-centered goal. A vision bearer is not the owner of the vision but a custodian of the vision, and a custodian understands that the property in his possession does affect not only him, but a second party, third and so on. A vision has never been designed to be the property of one individual, otherwise, companies could only have CEO's as its employees and families with only the father in the house. This is the manner in which human beings have been designed, in order to be dependent on one another. Therefore, there is no vision too personal to the extent it only needs the vision bearer. 
This is in concordance with the fact the fact that vision is greater than a person. a vision that is smaller than the bearer is just an idea, nothing more.

A person with vision has direction in life, which is all too necessary in order to be able to move in our individual lives just as SIGHT is as important to our perception of the physical things in life. Vision determines PERCEPTION. For example, a person whose vision is to build a vain empire will look at money as the only necessary thing to build his vision and will therefore go to great extents to retain that money. However, on the other hand, a person whose vision is to help children will look at money as a tool for building schools and other things that children need. The object, money, is the same in both instances, but the way the two visionaries view that money is what makes money what it is to both of them.

A person with vision has a jurisdiction with boundaries. If a jurisdiction has no boundaries, then that is just open space. That is why outer space belongs to no one. A man with vision has a DOMAIN. Within this domain, is the only place in which the man has exclusive autonomous power. This is the place where a man is secure because it is his. It is like being in your own house. Inside your own house, there is a sense of security, whether false or true because we have an idea of it and what should be in it. A person with no idea of his vision will constantly live in fear and an aura of security will clothe his very being. A person without vision will end up trying anything and everything in order to cover up for that sense of insecurity ending up being a Jack of all trades, but a master of none. A busy body with no real fulfilment in life. And that is what a lot of men are today, because of lack of vision. In such instances, there is usually a struggle to create a false sense of security by accumulating wealth but it remains false because they just become squatters on a piece of land, having nowhere to call home (or my domain).

SIGHT AND DOMAIN. Most people do say that a person must have an identity but it takes more than identity to become someone in life, that is if you have first found your true identity in Christ. all other identities are fleeting identities. Identity is not linked to the things we do or the successes we achieve in our lives but a unique revelation of the person Christ created you to be in order to serve his purposes in time and eternity. Achievements, talents, successes, acknowledgements are all coats we wear at one time or another, depending on the occasion, but they can never be the skin that we can never remove. Simple test, take what you claim to be and imagine your life without it: lawyer, banker, singer, engineer, all that and imagine your life without it. If you felt hopeless, naked and afraid without it, chances are that that is your acquired identity and that it is a midescription of who you were really created to be. If you are able after undressing from all that and still being confident that the love of Christ has clothed you regardless of being "irrelevant" chances are that you have found your identity. However, back to my point, after having acquired an identity, so what???

And that is where my friends, vision comes in. Vision is the driving seat of our lives. It is one thing to know who you are, but another completely different thing to know what to do with yourself. Without vision, we cannot move, we stagnate or go in the wrong direction and eventually die. Contrary to many opinions, death is not when the pastor says ashes to ashes, dust to dust when burying people, but death is losing yourself. And zombies are real, just look at people all around you. Some are perishing in mansions in the elite communities of your town, some are perishing in the seat of the company C.E.O., some are zombies within the streets, zombies performing on stages in the name of musicians, students in class and we meet them on the road everyday and the worst zombies are found in nowhere else but in CHURCH. Some are moving towards their deaths at high speeds, others are already at the destination. Building graves in the name of 100 million shilling houses or travelling in 18 million shilling coffins like the nice coffin of the model Mercedes Benz or Range Rover Evoque. Visionless zombies is who we've become as a society. And our ladies continually chase these zombies in hope of finding life but alas, none at all exists.

I could go on and on about vision but today, i'll stop here. I'm hoping a zombie will read this and somehow ressurect from this death we call "lack of vision". 

At this point, i'll take the opportunity to claim all proceeds arising from my win of the bet. Please send me the money asap all you who betted against me :)

Monday, 13 August 2012

Real talk or truth talk: My response to SECULAR WORSHIP

Real talk or truth talk: My response to SECULAR WORSHIP: This is my reply to a very annoying blog ( ) ;that I read by a...

My response to SECULAR WORSHIP

This is my reply to a very annoying blog (;that I read by a certain pastor in which he tries to justify the use of secular tunes during worship. I am not a pastor but I will not see guys perpetrate a lie and just stand by and watch. In fact the fact that the person has a huge number of followers and is misleading them is what annoys me most. I could say so much but this is not a church service, just a blog.

First of all, worship is spiritual and not just an act or a religious obligation. Worship goes and extends beyond the music and performances. The physical is just a method through which we express worship artistically. In fact, let me say this, WORSHIP IS NOT AN ART. Worship is simply a reverence for a being, a reverence that compels us as human beings to act in a manner that shows that we put value in the opinion of that which we revere. That is why worship is a lifestyle, whether you are a believer or not. Worship is a response to that which we HAVE EXALTED IN OUR LIVES. So whether we like it or not, we are always in worship, it just depends on whom or what we are worshipping

Now that worship has been clarified simply for what it is, my second point is this: does the being we revere have a certain expectation as to how we respond to its attributes or as to how we worship it? Now I cannot answer for all the millions of gods out there but I can say this about the God I worship (Jehovah). Yes there is a manner in which God expects us to respond in worship towards Him. Not just anything will just go into the presence of God. When you read the bible especially when He prescribes the sacrifice of animals, He DEMANDS that the animals shall be unblemished or in other words pure. Now according to the chemistry I learnt, when we speak of pure elements, it means that these elements have not been cojoined with other elements, that is purity. PURITY IS NOT SO MUCH A STATEMENT EXPRESSING CLEANLINESS BUT A STATEMENT DENOTING SINGULARITY. God is not in the business of receiving impure worship. God even in psalms 24 states that he who has clean hands and a PURE HEART (a heart that is singular in motive) is the person who will ascend the hill of the lord and stand in his holy place.

Now onto my next point, John 16:7 But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. 8 When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgement: 9 in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; 10 in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; 11 and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.

It is for God, through the Holy Spirit to convict a human being of sin. People do not get saved because of a good sermon or a good session of praise and worship, but because the Holy Spirit used such an avenue among many others to convict the person of sin. I personally know of a friend who was convicted in a pub thus showing clearly that God does not need our cleverly carved out ideas to do His job. He even goes further to say in Romans 11:34 For who can know the LORD's thoughts? Who knows enough to give him advice?
Clearly it is not the work of praise and worship to convict the world of sin.

It is for God, through the Holy Spirit to convict a human being of sin. People do not get saved because of a good sermon or a good session of praise and worship, but because the Holy Spirit used such an avenue among many others to convict the person of sin. I personally know of a friend who was convicted in a pub thus showing clearly that God does not need our cleverly carved out ideas to do His job. He even goes further to say in 
Romans 11:34 For who can know the LORD's thoughts? Who knows enough to give him advice?

God does not need our ideas to call men unto himself, a vessel does not plan how to be used, a vessel just submits to the will of the one who holds it. We cannot claim that due to change in culture, we need to show God how to do ministry. He is the creator, the alpha and the Omega. He is all-knowing and has no need for our advice for His principles do not change. He knows change and has ordained change and if we seek the mind of God, He will show us how to adapt to change.

The subject of using secular songs or tunes in worship.
Romans 8
For those who are according to the flesh and are controlled by its unholy desires set their minds onand [a]pursue those things which gratify the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit and are controlled by the desires of the Spirit set their minds on and [b]seek those things which gratify the [Holy] Spirit.
Now the mind of the flesh [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death [death that[c]comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter]. But the mind of the [Holy] Spirit is life and [soul] peace [both now and forever].
[That is] because the mind of the flesh [with its carnal thoughts and purposes] is hostile to God, for it does not submit itself to God’s Law; indeed it cannot.
So then those who are living the life of the flesh [catering to the appetites and impulses of their carnal nature] cannot please or satisfy God, or be acceptable to Him.

The mind of the flesh will always cogitate excuses and every other sort of fallacy that will promote the satisfaction of the carnal man. Let me say this without apology now, THE GOSPEL IS OFFENSIVE, and if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. We cannot promote carnal actions and still offer that as our worship to God. To be carnally minded in that manner means that as a person, you do not revere the Holiness of God, have no revelation of it and still oppose the message of Holiness. The bible clearly states that we have been set apart for God's purposes and we should leave the things of the world.

James 4
You [are like] unfaithful wives [having illicit love affairs with the world and breaking your marriage vow to God]! Do you not know that being the world’s friend is being God’s enemy? So whoever chooses to be a friend of the world takes his stand as an enemy of God.
Or do you suppose that the Scripture is speaking to no purpose that says, The Spirit Whom He has caused to dwell in us yearns over us and He yearns for the Spirit [to be welcome] with a jealous love?

We cannot claim to have fellowship with the Holy Spirit if we entertain the promotion of such carnal ideas. There is a reason why we call him HOLY Ghost or HOLY Spirit. HOLINESS is a must in worship and that means purity. Not the nonsense of mixing carnal ideas with those of the spirit. We cannot do what we please and expect God to accept that. God will only accept what He has put in His word and nothing else for He has exalted His word ABOVE himself.

So at the end of the day, do we know who we are worshipping?

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Ministry and impact

First of all, let me start by apologizing for being on a two month break. I haven't been anywhere really, in fact more online than ever, but still........... But just in case you are wondering, I am very much alive and okay.

Now to the reason why you all visit this blog. 

Of late, I have been asking myself, what is ministry really, in the perspective of a Christian in service to God. What does it mean to be in ministry and to be a minister. when and where does it occur, what is the aim and other many questions that you should seriously ask yourself if you are in ministry or rather, serving God. Why is it a priority?

Today I do not have cleverly crafted answers or stuff like that, just the honest thoughts of a man being sharpened by the counsel of God as each day goes by.

Being at the helm of a ministry at times really makes you start thinking objectively, about things to come and such stuff. But more importantly the impact that as a minister, as a person you are bringing, and as a ministry too. At the end of the day, fruit has to show, and not fruit as the world knows it, but fruit that is recognizable in the realm of the spirit.

So what is ministry about? From the way I look at the gospels, it has never been about the name or the shows or the crowds that Christ could pull, or any of the other disciples could pull. It has never been about platforms. If it was about numbers, I guess we would have staticians sitting at church boards instead of real pastors. If it was about the brand, then our advertisements would be full of announcements for church services and what nots. if it was about the shows, then crusades would still be greater crowd pullers than gigs at carnivore. if it was about platforms, Christ would have spent all his days in the synagogues, of which the least stories have been written from there concerning his ministry on earth.

Why do I say so? 1 Corinthians 13 is a great testament as to what am saying. We could do everything that pertains to being a full mature Christian who is fired up to preach the gospel and look spiritual while at it, but at the end of it all, miss the point of the gospel, a.k.a. the good news. The good news of a love that not only saves but transforms.

What is it all about? Why do we do what we do? Where should our focus be? Ministry is preaching the identity we are in Christ. Many at times it has been said that the only bible a person will ever read is a Christian. Being aware that we are constantly being looked up to as the very representation of Christ is all the platform we need to be ministers of the gospel. Ministry has never been about finding the right opening but perceiving each moment as a chance to be the Christ nobody knows about but so desperately needs to know. The microphone and the pulpit has its role, but it is useless without the representation of Christ manning that place.

When is ministry? Ministry is everyday, from the moment you wake up to the point at which you snore. Ever moment we are awake is a chance to be Christ-like for that is the meaning of the word Christian. Therefore, there is no designated time for ministry, just so long as you are awake.

How do we gauge our impact? This is probably the hardest question since it also touches on what has now been a source of competition among ministers of the gospel for congregants, fans, who has more albums, who can pray longer, did people remember and recognize you for your service and other vain standards that have crept into the church. A similar scenario found in 1 Corinthians 3. The problem with this question is that at the end of the day we want to be "glory thieves". Taking the glory instead of realising we are all gardeners in the field.
However, still we need to  give ourselves a reality check here. Out impact or our fruits in other people's lives is not in how they have good memories of us because we could play around with their feelings (especially musicians) but to the extent to which there has been a genuine change in their character or spiritual state. Christ was not about the business of preaching the good news that our ears love to hear, but the hard truth that changes our lives. A gospel that itches you but yet transforms and conforms you to the image of Christ daily. Our impact spiritually (because that is where it matters) cannot be gauged by the number of wall posts we get after a good sermon or show or performance, but by how much the exposed truth has made somebody to change genuinely, be it on a personal level or corporate level. Saying "its Jesus mayne" is a reflective statement that we should get to pray for grace to understand because at the end of the day, ministry is about the work of Jesus in an individual's life.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Identity, my identity, our identity

Hello guys, sorry for being away for so long. I usually have this notion that people missed me because if I was to be separated from myself, i'm sure I would miss me. Anyway, we shall head on to more important stuff and don't mind the introduction, the bible says that you have to love others as you love yourself. i am therefore in order today when I lavish love upon myself.

Today I shall talk about love and the hard lessons I have learnt. Over the past three months, our band has been tackling a series on love and it has not been easy. Talking about love is one thing but putting it into practice is another whole issue. Putting love into action is what counts most as a christian. we can all speak in tongues, cast out devils, move in miracles and wonders and do all that, but yet if we lack love, its all futile. 

In the gospel, Jesus points out what how a christian is identified. Now, an identity in spiritual terms is not fashioned by names and titles and the like, but fashioned by our actions. Remember by the way, all truth is parallel. For example, you cannot verify a person as a doctor until you see the person in action in a hospital or clinic or something like that. a person saying that he is a doctor is one thing, I could also go and get a labcoat and claim to be one too, but when a sick person is brought to me, the truth will emerge.

Now still on a doctor, some of us usually believe that so and so is a qualified doctor, up until the medical practitioners board come to visit and inspect that person. If the person is for real, the board lets the person to continue carrying out his business as usual. However, if the person is a quack, such a day and event is called, his day of reckoning. (hehehe). A whitewashed tomb, or in Kenyan terms, a member of parliament. *hides*

Jesus in his word says, "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." Jesus expressly states the mark of identity that defines a christian. That is how the world will know that we are his disciples. Its not by walking in talents, gifts and abilities, for those also can be inspired by the devil, but by walking in love.

God is love. Love is sum-total of God's attributes. We were all created in God's image and therefore, it is inherent in us to love one another. However, to have a revelation of the true nature of love, as God is, is what gives the christian his/her foundation in the spiritual walk that is Christianity. People say that christianity is a relationship with God, and that is correct. However, we cannot claim to have a relationship with God if we cannot relate with our fellow brothers in love. 1 John 4:20 "If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen"

To love God is easy, since God is all good to us, He provides, He sustains and forgives and does all those good things we thank Him for. However, loving that annoying conductor who refused with your change is a task. loving a friend who annoyed you is a task. That chic who stole your boyfriend, that dude who did not keep his word, loving them is easy, isn't it??? That is the standard that Christ has called us to as Christians. That is the identity that we have been called to. Matthew 5:46-48
46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
 Galatians 6:14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

If we will not love as Christians, then we have no identity yet. Loving God, loving yourself, loving others. That is the hope that is found on the cross. Everything from the beginning to the end of the bible is about how God loves us and how we should love one another. Even if we fail in everything else, let us not fail in love.

Monday, 12 March 2012

What is worship and who is a worshipper?

Sunday evening I decided to listen to a switchfoot album (Hello Hurricane to be specific), though not deliberately, it was just along the way on my playlist. It was just for the purposes of passing time as I wrote a certain proposal. In fact, I was convinced that listening to that music would just interfere with my connection with the divine but I went on anyway.
Then the words of the songs started sinking in slowly, of course the very nice melodies captured me first. Then as I went  on I realised how much the words talk to the very being of a man, the very struggles of a man and the like etc. as usual with CCM music, no words like Jesus, God and Christ were used. Then in my heart I was like, these guys are so carnal, can’t they be more spiritual? Why are they being so escapist?
Then as I went on, I realised that their lyrics made so much sense if you choose to open your heart to listen to more than the words. They may not be sing-alongs like praise and worship music but they are effective in their own capacity. Then the question was why? Why does it convict a man like me, who is supposedly very spiritual?
Then God started speaking about the heart and ministry. At the end of the day, ministry is about the transaction that you have had with God, not so much about the transaction that you have had with men. We tend to grade the success of our ministry with the effectiveness it has on capturing people’s attention rather than the transformation it should have on our lives. We see people get delivered of devils, guys breaking before God, people being healed but we come out the same, maybe happier because of the demonstration of God in that event and probably being passed by God in the midst of all that immense glory and power present at the moment. 
   1.  vessels

One notion we have is that when God checks in during our service and ministry, that we as His vessels have a right standing with God. This however is not a correct biblical position as demonstrated in Isaiah 45. This particular chapter talks about King Cyrus being God’s servant even though Cyrus did not know God.
(Isa 45:5) I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:

It is for God to determine how He will use a person to his own glory and honour of his name. As a human being, we tend to have our own plans, whether they are in the direction that God has ordained or not. However, at the end of the day, that does very little to change the intents of God at the end of the day. It is really practical, how many times do we at the end of a day sit down and say the day went exactly as we had planned? We do not determine fully how we will be fully used to the glory of God but it is for the Lord to determine what kind of tool we will be used as. Even if a spade wants to be a spoon, cried, and threw a tantrum about it, you would still definitely at the end of the day, not use it as a spade, but instead go to the garden and make proper use of it.

The same goes with how God will use us. We can never use the demonstration of how God uses our service to determined where our relationship with God lies. In Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus describes how the goats and sheep will be separated, not on the basis of service but on the basis of where their hearts lay in God. 
The bible says in (1Co 10:12)  Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

If you are a servant of God, that is not an assurance of whether you will qualify to step into heaven on the day of judgement. God does not desire our service as much as he desires our hearts. Where do our hearts lie? Where are our treasures kept? Is it in Christ himself or is it in doing works that are considered to be Christ-like? Aren’t we all just mere vessels before God?

Where does the difference come in?

Follow this for part two and the rest

Thursday, 1 March 2012


Today the focus of my post will be on life and the important things in life. a call to a renewed form of thinking, for the word implores us to be transformed by the renewal of our minds.

The focus of every human being in today's society is to leave a legacy and leaving a legacy, as we have been taught, is the most important thing in life. To leave a name and all this even goes to the very fabric of the society. Let us examine deeply at why we work hard as Kenyans and human beings at large, and struggle to reach the top of the food chain. We want to be the number one in our national examinations, the best in our endeavors. At our workplace we struggle to reach the top, and even in ministry we struggle to outshine other ministers of the word. If we are careful and honest enough to examine our own motives, especially as Christians, we will discover that our motivation is just to leave a name for ourselves, a trophy in the minds of people.

The world today has instilled a perception in our minds  that we have to leave an image, to venerate our names, our very being and in that manner we will gain a false perception of immortality. However, Jesus Christ stated in the book of Matthew 16:25 that "For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it." What will it gain us to do our works for the very fear of death and yet at the end of it lose it altogether. 

In Psalms 49, David talks about death and the vanity of human attempts at immortality.
 12 People, despite their wealth, do not endure;
   they are like the beasts that perish.

Our attempts to venerate ourselves will only end up in death. People talk about leaving a rich heritage, one that will last on ends. However, none of these will last. David in verse 13 declares their fate, the one that they have sealed for themselves. 
  13 This is the fate of those who trust in themselves,
   and of their followers, who approve their sayings.[d]
14 They are like sheep and are destined to die;
   death will be their shepherd
   (but the upright will prevail over them in the morning).
Their forms will decay in the grave,
   far from their princely mansions.

The only eternal heritage that will be of the greatest value to the coming generations, will be the knowledge of Christ, the King of kings whose love and reign will endure forever. 

Immortality is not achieved by the veneration of our works, legacies or ideals, but by salvation that was found on a cross.Let us trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of our souls and eternal life for He himself is eternal life.

Monday, 20 February 2012


One of the greatest needs of any human being is to be able to relate. Relation can be of any form, the greatest being the need to relate to other like minded human beings. Relationships are a form of security and in order for any being to be able to function in an environment, the need for security must be first fulfilled before other things. That is why as human beings, it is first nature to be able to relate to like minded people, people who think and act just like us, people able to affirm us at our lowest moments and celebrate with us at our best and happiest moments.
As humans, we are also spiritual beings, just not physical beings, thus the need to be able to relate to a spiritual being. That Is where many scholars have attributed the emergence of the different religions that are deemed to be a result of the need for humans to fill that spiritual void. The need for a spiritual being to fill that hole. A being that will accept us as we are and will affirm our existence, a being that will assure us of purpose and a reason for existence. A being that will satisfy our need for worship as seen in Psalms 42:2  I thirst for you, the living God. When can I go and worship in your presence?
In many ways, religion has failed to fill this vacuum. Many call it the God-shaped vacuum and I tend to think so. Only a living God can shape fill this hole. Many have tried to fill this through work, friends, success, money and other finite ends, whose end according to the Word of God is DEATH. Let me introduce you to the Living God. In his own word He declares, Deuteronomy 32:39  " 'I, and I alone, am God; no other god is real. I kill and I give life, I wound and I heal, and no one can oppose what I do. Deuteronomy 32:40  As surely as I am the living God..... Only a living God can shape the need for a spiritual relationship.
Again, He is the God who can relate to us no matter who we are, no matter our circumstances, no matter how unique life may seem good or bad to any of us. He declares in His word in Exodus 3:14  God said, "I am who I am. You must tell them: 'The one who is called I AM has sent me to you.'  
God is I AM. He can never be defined by our finite thinking.

No one word or statement can describe His infinite nature and neither can we. We were all created by He who is the maker of the universe and His infinite nature cannot stop Him from relating to anything that exists. There is no situation  greater than our God. There is no person God cannot relate to in love for He is love. No other god can satisfy the God shaped hole.
This is a call to accept God for who He is, no matter who you are. God is great but in His love, he has humbled Himself to be able to relate to each one of us. His love is so great it conquers everything that could have ever looked to separate us from a relatable God for He is a God of Relationship. Romans 8:38  For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, :39  Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The Lord God loves you yesterday today and forever. Let us now relate with God, for he loves and desires us. Baraka