Friday, 21 February 2014

Red Gay Red

Hello, I am about to make a very important proclamation that might change your perspective of me, or not.....
Two years ago, I happened to have a breakfast meeting with my pastor and so I put on a red shirt. It so happened that on that particular cold morning, there was a gay march procession in the streets of Nairobi and they were gathered just outside that coffee house, IN RED. The looks that met me were those bearing a certain shimmer of hope while yet bearing questions of whether I was joining the gathering or not. A memorable coincidence..... Too bad I already had an appointment. 

The only thing that would have made it more memorable is if the news cameras had started rolling at 9 a.m. that morning. Too bad they were still in bed. 

Unless you are unable to comprehend language and trends, there has been one piece of news that has been quite outstanding, the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) rights agenda. More and more gay icons are coming out daily and the announcement of their acquired public status has earned them rockstar receptions. Equal measures of love and hate from people around the globe. Their public proclamations have continued to stir up the push for gay rights.

The question I was asking for a while was what are gay rights? What does it mean to have a right as a gay person that have already not been provided for under law? What are gays fighting for?

That was until I faced the reality that I have been asking all the wrong questions. It was not a matter of what are gay rights, but WHY are they fighting for rights? It looks like a very easy question to answer but it is not as straightforward as one would like to presume.
Supposing that two years ago, those rights were in operation, it still wouldn't change the number of people who saw me that morning from despising me, if they despise gays. It wouldn't change the fact that strangers who marked my face that morning would forever refuse to let me associate with them or their kids if they have strong negative emotions towards that red army that morning. So why?

I concluded that gay rights are not focused on changing the society's perception towards that red battalion but changing the way those of the gay community view themselves. Many studies that gay tendencies are mostly learnt habits. The question of hereditary causes is still very unreliable and the question of people being born gay is still very debatable. For most people, the idea of God creating gay babies is absurd, some even unthinkable, but a theory nonetheless for those who choose to believe it.
Enacting gay legislation could only mean one thing from my point of view; gay rights are a rejection of the term EX-GAY. I once way gay, but now I am not. And I shall proceed to state why.

Our natural instinct as human beings is to reject any action that does not conform to our preferred set of norms and regulations. That is why for example, we automatically filter out certain people in a new social gathering/ set without even talking to them, either because they do not meet out personal requirements in terms of social standing or are way beyond our perceived perfect standard. Its natural human selection in play and the same rules apply here.
(Its too bad even when the bible is rejected, Darwin's theory of natural selection does not work in a gay person's favour.)

The question of gay rights is not just about enacting legislation that favours LGBT activities and practices but a rejection of the fundamental truth that it is possible to change your orientation. I have come across several blogs and support groups for people who have decided to change their sexual orientation and embrace what is natural. One notable character is Donnie Mcklurkin who was denied a chance to perform at the Martin Luther King concert because he is a testimony of being delivered from being gay and took a stance on that.

Enacting gay rights unfortunately is like trying to make everyone wear red like you so that you can feel good about yourself. It does not mean that other people wearing red will be a reflection of shared values.

The question of gay rights sits on the notion that being gay is not a result of choice but a result of natural design. The only problem is that this has not yet been conclusively justified. The only way for the gay agenda to be 100% successful is to eliminate the possibility of being an EX-GAY.  I do not think the society is ready to accept that 

I am particularly a conservative Christian when it comes to this topic and my stance is not about to change. However, may I state that this does not equate to hate or spite for those in the LGBT community. I just choose to believe that the good Lord meant well when He said homosexuality is detestable and for particular reasons that I will refer you to go to the bible for further readings.

Many governments have tried instituting proper correctional behaviour like forcing gay men to sleep with women and threatening them with death but it has failed miserably so far. From my research, only people who have encountered the truth, being the word of God, have been able to win the struggle because it is not an easy one. 

And as for the appointment, if it had by some fortune been cancelled, maybe I would have had a nice field day learning things