This is a summary of observations I have made in my short stint in ministry as I would call it. A few tips here and there and some experiences I have had within the past two or so years.
. Collaborations in ministry do not start at the place of skill, but at the place of honour.
Trying to do a collaboration or a project with people has been one of the hardest things ever in Nairobi. And this is not because that we lack resources or people, but because we are unable to discern and honour one another.
Honour does not start by honouring another person's ministry but honouring an individual's life because ministry essentially should be an overflow of one person's relationship since at the end of the day anyway, its our sacrifice back to God. most artists I have met rarely do have time to interact with the person of Christ vested in an individual and are quick too run after a person's gifts talents and abilities rather than the character of a person or the heart of a person.
2. Big/established names or reputations.
Reputation is a good thing because it generally means that the ability to attract a crowd is easier, even though the reputable person or establishment is full of nonsense. Unfortunately for many, growth of repute compared to humility is indirectly proportional. People are moreso concerned about getting to the next level in the industry instead of the next level in devotion to Christ. And we judge this not by the depth of the songs sung or fire of the ministry but in how people relate to one another. Christ said,
how will they know you are my disciples unless you love one another? And this trend is seen especially when relating to nobodies in the market. We always want to be the next big thing and maybe Christ has called us to be the next small thing with the quantification of the effectiveness of our ministry being indirectly proportionate to our size.
3. Loyal friendship
For a while, i lost interest in working with people based on the fact that artists befriend other artists on what may be described as on contractual basis. After doing a project or show together, so is the friendship. I HATED and still do hate this insincerity where no person wants to really know one another, they just want to get what you can offer then run away. More like a one night stand instead of a marriage. Finding sincere friends in artists who want to know a person beyond political expediency is a rare thing nowadays and I an glad for the few sincere friends I have.
Sincere friends do work with friends even when there is no profit of any sort involved in the ministry. (Profit may include not only money but also repute and connections and any other thing that is deemed as essential towards the expansion of a person's ministry).
4. There will be no ministry in heaven, just worship and fellowship with God.
This revelation did change my perspective towards ministry. Realizing that the ultimate purpose of God is to untie us all in Christ (Ephesians 1:10) changed everything. Heaven is enjoyable for those who know what fellowship with God and man is, not for those who've been working themselves off to impress God. I mean, what can we do to impress God with that is so wow???? If someone can convince me using scripture that man can impress God or do something to add value to God and i'll take down this whole blog.
5. Fame.
Fame and reputation in the world equates power and the church has taken up this doctrine so we keep on chasing fame in the hope of becoming powerful ministers. God says he uses the FOOLISH things of this world to SHAME THE WISE. No one wants to be foolish nowadays but unfortunately, if we really want to follow God, we must be ready to appear as foolish. Christianity is not just about partaking in the joys of Christ but also in the SUFFERINGS of Christ. (I know I touched something right there). To be a christian, you must be ready to embrace embarrassment. Even Christ was hung completely naked, not with undergarments as photos would like us to believe and for men, we do know that that is the ultimate shame of a man.
6. Love
What can I say, artists know 1 Corinthians 13 with their lips and not with their hearts.
During the
Move Tour 2011, my friend made an observation and said, "you cannot fake unity". The reach record artists were not united because they were in sync, they were in sync IN THE SPIRIT because they were united.
Passion conference: Happens every year in the states and started by Louie Giglio when he was nobody and when nobody artists like Chris Tomlin and David Crowder offered themselves to help push the initiative. In this year's conference, they attracted 55,000 students in one dome. All because of commitment with no profit.
Gaither Vocal Band: These guys started singing way before I was born and what has kept them together till today is loyal friendship. They are friends and they are family to one another. That is why their songs, old as they may be, were not just a written record, but a unity of spirits all with one aim and that is to worship God.
The day Kenyan artists will look beyond themselves and selfish expediency is the day real effective ministry will be seen. Nowadays our ministry is just sweet to the ears but with no effect in the spiritual realm.
Fame and reputation in the world translates to power. Unfortunately, we've married the church to this FALSE DOCTRINE. Fame in the physical is irrelevant in the spirit. To be effective in the physical, you must be effective in the spirit and not the other way round.