Saturday, 30 July 2011

Music, a worshipper's post

Today I choose to dwell on the subject of music and worship as a whole. A very interesting area for any person because of the influence that music has on each one of us as individuals.

Most people choose to look at music as an instrument that can change the world and this statement is not without justification. So to a great extent, this is very true. However, I choose to look at it in a different manner. Music is just a vehicle to change the world. Music in itself has no power to transform. To validate my statement, we can have a look at most worship services today. You can wake up on a Sunday morning, go to a worship service and come out of it feeling drier than the Sahara. It has happened a lot of times (to me, maybe am speaking for myself) and unfortunately continues so to happen every day. That in essence is usually music playing but has no power whatsoever.

I hope at this point you can agree with me that music is just a vehicle. What gives it power then?

As a believer, over the period of time I have been a musician, I’ve come to discover that music is spiritual. The spirit is its driver, whether secular or gospel. In addition, the music has a destination, a purpose. The musician when creating a piece of music has a certain aim that is why people like me are very particular about who does a certain song. Is the aim carnally motivated or motivated by the spirit of God? To bless or to curse? To glorify god or to glorify man? To bring to attention the sovereignty of Christ or to bring to attention your skills and prowess? People may say that some songs especially secular were done innocently but as I have come to learn over time, a creation has an intended end, whether perceived by the composer of the music or work of art, or as perceived by the anointer of the artist. Some statements made in ignorance should therefore be eliminated from our lips.

Secondly, there are three types of drivers or musicians that I’ve come to discover over time, those anointed by God, anointed by the devil or those still walking in their carnal nature and anointed by none of the above. I prefer the first two; at least they have an aim, either to bring glory to God or to propagate the devil’s kingdom. The carnal musician, usually talented Christians, fall in the third category. In my opinion, they are the worst since they have no focus and only serve to propagate the carnal nature and unfortunately bring a lot of confusion in their lives and those of fellow Christians seeking God. They easily misrepresent the very nature of the divine and all that his kingdom is about. It’s like a giving a 10 year old a Mercedes to drive. COMPLETE DISASTER. 

My point, watch out who you are listening to and who is your influence. For those involved in pulpit ministry, patience is key. It would be better to sit in the pews with your talent and wait on the anointing of God and his calling and be spirit led rather that follow the carnal nature, which propagates confusion in the church. For the house of god has become a place of confusion and this we must eradicate. Let us search ourselves for none of us is perfect and serve in tandem with his spirit. Let us not call ourselves for a calling is a sensitive and strict business in the kingdom. Finally, talent and art are just vehicles, its the driver who matters. Be blessed.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Real talk vs. Truth talk

So today i write my first log. Excited, naah, not really. Elated? I don't think so. Normal? Something close to that. So it has a very different feel to the assignments I'm used to. Let's see what good can come out of here today.

Nowadays it has come to my notice that many peolple out there have discovereed a new term called REaL TALK. I find real talk to be very interesting considering its reelevant to our everyday situations or life as we know it. So as with everything I comee across, I have to question its validity (effects of law school). By the way, I am here not  to rubbish but to speak out my mind. Humann rights are interesting in this case, I mean they justify our actions no matter the morality behind it. anyway let me not get off topic here.

I love to listen to the way people love to relate to a certain situation or an embedded ideology. Lets take for example karma. In short, from what i've heard, its life way of handing you revenge on a silver platter. I usually laugh at this. karma is actually not bibilical in any way. (the bible will be my strenght here on the basis that it has not failed the test of time and that it is coonsistent). God does not exact revenge left, right and centre. He iss merciful and does not pay us according to what we deserve. If  he did, we would all have been crucified at birth. Ask Jesus. For he took our shame.

I also love to hear about how many people love to attribute a certain scenario to their lives withoout thinking about it. For example, we all are good while yet we all are rotten. Psalms 16:2 I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord; I have no good besides You." We have nothing of ourselves that wa\rrants us to be called good apart from his grace.

A bit of sad news. Hell and heaven will stay forever. Ever thought of how long forever is???? Eternity compared to 120 years on earth is nothing.Its like coverting that one second of the day compared to 24 hours. We cannot continue living for ourselves if we want to live forever. Everything will pass away. If it is your name, you will die and people will forget you. If it is your reputation, I got news for you. not even 5,000,000 people know you exist. if it is fame, it will not assure you of eternal rest. What then are we living for if we are living life large? We want to make it but we do nnot want to see the bigger picture. Its like concentrating at the door of a room instead of the whole house. In short, everything is vanity. We will all come, live for a fraction of eternity and go. There is nothing at all. Do not be deceived, the world has everything to offer but life.

I could go on and on and on. Let me stop at this juncture. Next part coming very soon when my thhoughts have completely consolidated.